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Become a Business Member

Protect Quality of Water and Quality of Life in Coastal North Carolina.

$4,803 raised

$25,000 goal

/ 150


Become a CCRW business member to show your support for our local waterways.

Water Quality Warrior Business

  • Platinum Member level - listed on Coastal Carolina Riverwatch’s website and social media outreach.
  • Logo and link in newsletters throughout the year reaching an audience of over 2,000 subscribers.
  • 6 Member Spotlights on social media per year reaching an audience of 6,000 followers.
  • Platinum Members will automatically be listed as an event sponsor.

Water Quality Guardian

  • Gold Member Level - listed on Coastal Carolina Riverwatch’s website for one year.
  • Logo and link in newsletters throughout the year reaching an audience of over 2,000 subscribers.
  • 4 Member Spotlights on social media per year reaching an audience of 6,000 followers.

Water Quality Steward Business

  • Silver Member level - listed Coastal Carolina Riverwatch’s website and social media outreach.
  • 2 Member Spotlights on social media per year reaching an audience of 6,000 followers.